Monday, July 6, 2009

Fourth of July Weekend

So this weekend we spent it with family and here are just a few pictures of our cute new nephew and us during the fourth! I hope everyone had a great fourth of July!

Here is Zander in his cute Army outfit and yes, that is actually his daddy's dog tag he is wearing. Alisha made his a necklace so he could wear it. It was absolutely adorable!

Some of the pretty fireworks...

Here we are waiting for the fireworks to begin outside the stadium.

Ry and Alisha. Ry loves spending time with Allie.

Cute Zander again all bundled up for the fireworks. His outfit was so cute that night. He was decked out in Jordan wear.
Happy Birthday America!

1 comment:

Belinda Olsen said...

It looks like you guys had a blast. Your little nephew, Zander is ADORABLE!